Category: China

  • Kyle Bass

    Kyle Bass

    Kyle Bass, founder of Hayman Capital and one of the few to benefit from the 2008 mortgage crisis, warns of the concerning military capabilities of China and argues that American investors played a role in building their war machine. He points out that China now has more naval ships than the U.S. Navy and believes…

  • Famine

    Initially, it was believed that famine was becoming extinct due to technological advancements, economic growth, and global humanitarian efforts. However, the 2011 famine in Somalia, which resulted in the deaths of 260,000 people, proved this notion wrong. Since then, there have been more famines declared in Africa, as well as several near misses. The COVID-19…

  • Rubenstein on Real Estate

    Rubenstein on Real Estate

    David Rubenstein, co-founder and co-chairman of Carlyle Group, believes that the biggest investment opportunity over the next 2 to 3 years lies in the discounted real estate debt market, specifically in large commercial office buildings in major cities. Rubenstein acknowledges the challenges facing some cities, such as public relations issues and declining real estate prices,…

  • 6/20/23 Surprise Surprise…PIMCO likes bonds “moving away from a “TINA” world(where “there is no alternative” to equities) to one in whichbonds look cheap relative to equities. Now, bonds also appearattractive due to the current stage of the economic cycle… We maintain our underweight in equities and take a cautiousapproach, with a focus on low-leverage and…

  • Dalio’s World

    Dalio’s World

    Ray Dalio and Thomas Friedman discuss China’s Confucianism way of thinking and how it affects China’s foreign policy. China views itself as a family and its country as an extended family. Confucianism is a top-down, hierarchical philosophy based on strict parenting. They focus on mutual respect between those who are more powerful and those who…