Category: forecast

  • Should the fed declare victory?

    Should the fed declare victory?

    Jeff Gundlach notes Import and Export prices, are looking encouraging. However, he also mentions that these prices are currently in negative double digits compared to previous years, indicating disinflationary pressure. Gundlach believes that the massive stimulus and economic distortions from 2020 and 2021 have led to inflation, which is still bubbling through the system. He…

  • COLA The range of estimates is in line with the 3.3% COLA projected by the Social Security actuaries in the 2023 Trustees Report and well below last year’s COLA of 8.7% (see Figure 2).

  • Bianco Predicts…

    Bianco Predicts…

    The Magnificent Seven stocks (FANG stocks, plus Tesla, Microsoft, and Nvidia) have contributed significantly to the overall market gains. Bianco attributes their success to the hype around artificial intelligence and the rollout of new technologies. However, he also notes that the performance of the other 493 stocks in the S&P 500 has been less impressive,…

  • Top 15 Economies

    Top 15 Economies

  • Soft Landing

    Soft Landing

    Mohamed El-Erian, former CEO and current academic and economic adviser, thinks that a soft landing narrative in the economy, combined with *money on the sidelines*, is driving the current rally. El-Erian acknowledges the bearish sentiment among investors but believes good earnings numbers could bring some back. *reminder…there is no such thing as money on the…

  • Canada’s 40B LNG Investment

    Canada’s 40B LNG Investment

    Canada, being one of the world’s largest producers of natural gas, does not have the infrastructure to export it overseas. LNG Canada aims to become a major source of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for export. So, this project involves building a terminal and pipeline to transport the gas from the source to the terminal, where…

  • Big Bank President?

    Big Bank President?

    He suggests that the country’s lackluster economic growth can be attributed to shortcomings in areas such as immigration, taxation, mortgages, affordable housing, and healthcare. Dimon also discusses the need for better education and expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit as a form of industrial policy to improve social outcomes. While Dimon acknowledges his interest in…

  • Kyle Bass

    Kyle Bass

    Kyle Bass, founder of Hayman Capital and one of the few to benefit from the 2008 mortgage crisis, warns of the concerning military capabilities of China and argues that American investors played a role in building their war machine. He points out that China now has more naval ships than the U.S. Navy and believes…

  • Blackstone forecasts….

    Blackstone forecasts….

    Blackstone CFO Michael Chae sees inflation trending down and economic resilience. However, he also highlights the challenges of the cost of capital and the availability of capital, which are affected by factors like short rates, quantitative tightening ($1T annually), and credit contraction. As a result, Blackstone expects the Fed to deliver a slowdown to the…

  • Chaos King

    Chaos King

    “It’s not just about making money during catastrophes…it’s about trying to protect ourselves from catastrophes” Nassim describes that most people prefer to sit on metaphorical dynamite for a steady stream of income. The primary goal at his firm Universa Investments is to benefit when the “steady” cashflow assets and trades cease to make money. Some…