Tag: Law
Trump in(dicted) Miami
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWqJSDBV1Yw Donald Trump is expected to plead not guilty to 37 felony counts linked to owning classified documents related to national security as well as charges of conspiracy to obstruct justice and lying about it ahead of his first appearance in a courtroom in Miami. Trump met his lawyers yesterday close to the court, supposedly…
https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/crypto-giants-binance-coinbase-rough-week-rcna87939 Crypto has their answer — and it’s not one that they’re going to like. That has been a major question mark, one that has left the industry begging for clarity from the SEC and Congress about how the government views the “tokens” trade, which has produced billions in transaction fees for these major markets.…